Monday, 28 March 2011

Vintage Bicycles - The Police

Police did and still do use bicycles in their job. Obviously the days of the vintage bicycle were the days that police officers pedaled round in style. Today the copper on a bicycle has become quite comical as cars and other transport take president. Vintage police officers on vintage bicycles ruled the streets. Another iconic moment in the history of vintage bicycles.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Vintage Bicycles - Strange shapes

Vintage bicycles unlike modern bicycles didn't conform to a regulation shape that was standard throughout the world. Instead their design was open to interpretation and therefore many strange and wonderful designs were born. In the above picture we can see the semicircle shaped frame to the bicycle which gives it a sense of uniqueness and style.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Vintage Bicycles - Advertising

Remember the good old days when advertisement was quality work. Led from the front by the bicycle advertisement obviously. Above is a quality vintage poster used to entice many a punter to buy a bicycle.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Vintage Bicycles - Exercise

Vintage bikes have various links with history and uses.Vintage bikes have been used for exercise since those mustaches were a socially acceptable item of facial hair. Why not make it a group activity with four seats four pedals and four times the fun.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Vintage Bicycles - Penny Farthing

What's more vintage than a penny farthing. The original Bicycle. What better to demonstrate this then the above picture. The cyclist complete with traditional facial hair and attire along with the fact that the picture is in black and white. Just brilliant.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Vintage Bicycles - Vintage Monkey

What's more vintage then a black and white picture of a monkey on a classic vintage bike? I know non. Will continue to post more vintage bikes everyday.